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How To Make Healthy Dehydrated Fruit

My spouse was actually on pinterest looking for ways to make snacks for his snow shoeing, cross country skiing and various random outdoors adventures. He sent me an email with the link to this pin and said it was time for us to get a food dehydrator

How To Make Healthy DehydraAted Fruit

Later I found out his true intentions were for him to make beef jerky with it and the fruit idea was to convince me of the healthy snack benefits LOL.

But he’s right. This would be a great addition to any active families kitchen. We could make dried fruit and jerky instead buying it. 

It would be much fresher and without all the preservatives. Also great for long road trips! 

This Nesco food dehydrator which you can buy from here is the best Food Dehydrator in the world! and it worked perfectly....

Here’s the link to the “how to” on dehydrated fruit…

                       Housing A Forest: Healthy Dehydrated Fruit

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